Yiqing Zhao: Would-be-doctor-turned Actor/Writer/Creative Life Coach

Everything is connected. Everything, all these things, becomes a part of YOU. But then this journey does not stop. Some people stop from manifesting what they want because they understand the importance of training and then they let the training stop them…I’m not going to wait until I get the certification [to become] a certified coach. I know training is part of the journey…but that’s not a pre-requisite for me to do something.

  • Lucy Liu’s savviness + Kimiko Glenn’s bubbliness
  • I did real surgeries on real people, twice, as an assistant
  • Must-haves: 85% dark chocolate & kale
  • Half-marathon runner, yogi, home chef, dog mom
  • An untethered spirit. INFJ, Enneagram Type 8, Rebel. 

“Made in Heaven”, an LGBTQ rom-com proudly made by a team of 14 women-identifying artists, has garnered 8 laurels from international film festivals in the last month. 

Stay tuned, and cheers to this fun, engaging short filled with cupcakes, matchmaking, and secrets. A feature script of the same title is in the works, and we will share more when we can!

I spent my mid-teens to mid-twenties dwelling in the “Woe is me” kind of emotional pain.

And I was living in those nightmares in my mind over and over again, making myself a victim of my memories.

Until one day it dawned on me: My past is just a story I tell myself.

💥I choose to move forward.
💥I choose to be led by love, not fear.
💥I choose to believe it before I see it.

Then one day I looked back and was surprised to find how grateful I am for my past:

🌱What kind of stories are you telling yourself?
🌱What kind of memories are you holding onto?
🌱What kind of future would you like to create?

Everything is connected, and things are always working. I just believe the universe has a way for me. That’s the belief behind every decision I’ve made and will make. I don’t wait to get ready. I’ve seen so many talented people stuck because they gave their power away to the training, thinking they have to have A before they can do B. That is a very common limiting belief. I got my first few paid acting gigs without any acting training. I signed my first high-ticket coaching client without a coaching certificate. I came to this country by myself with no family or friends, only two suitcases adding up to my body weight. All you need is you, your commitment, and willingness, and you will know what training or support you need and you’ll go get them along the way

A question my audience often asks: How do you do that? How do you coach? Hop on a call with me! Let’s brainstorm and create your next chapter together. DM or click on website link


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