Testimonial #35: Alice Christy, Voice Building/Piano/Speech & Acting Teacher

This true story is an example of how art education and passion for your dreams can lead to overcoming personal challenges and create a productive happy life.

How has your life been indelibly touched by a teacher who utilized the arts for whatever reason and acknowledge how they were instrumental in breaking the mold to allow you to become who you are today?

My daughter and I were literally kept in school by their respective art programs. The dance program at Cardoza High School, in Bayside, NY, was instrumental in keeping my daughter interested in “hitting the books”. She was very well known in the school because of her involvement in the school’s dance recitals and musicals. Today, she teaches dance at the Huntington Y on Long Island.

I was always interested in singing and throughout my school years was involved with the school choirs. At Hollywood High School, in LA, I was the Drill Captain for the marching unit, that “strutted its stuff” at all the football games, and marched in the Santa Claus Lane parade down Sunset Boulevard during the Christmas holidays. I was a member of the choirs, and participated in all the school musicals as well as attending choir competitions. All this kept me in school and out of trouble. I continued this path at Marymount College and UCLA working with the internationally renowned choral director, Roger Wagner and became a member of MU PHI EPSILON, the music honorary society.

Because of our love and participation in the art programs in our schools, my daughter and I have been “paying it forward” to the people in our communities through our teaching and performing. Wouldn’t change a thing!

Art is the core of our souls and should be a standard part of all children’s education. I am constantly reminded, by my students, how our diminished educational budgets have let our students down. Frances McGarry’s message and presentation will encourage the future inclusion of arts programs in schools once again. Thank you, Fran, our students deserve such programs and I totally support you in your work. Just let me know how I can help.
